Shit A Trundles
Shit Ad Runlets
Shit Lead Turns
Shit Lead Runts
Shit Dale Turns
Shit Dale Runts
Shit Lade Turns
Shit Lade Runts
Shit Deal Turns
Shit Deal Runts
Shit Eland Ruts
Shit Eland Rust
Shit Laden Ruts
Shit Laden Rust
Shit Elands Rut
Shit Alder Nuts
Shit Alder Tuns
Shit Alder Stun
Shit Alders Tun
Shit Alders Nut
Shit Leads Runt
Shit Leads Turn
Shit Lades Runt
Shit Lades Turn
Shit Dales Runt
Shit Dales Turn
Shit Deals Runt
Shit Deals Turn
Shit Slated Run
Shit Slated Urn
Shit Salted Run
Shit Salted Urn
Shit Deltas Run
Shit Deltas Urn
Shit Lasted Run
Shit Lasted Urn
Shit Staled Run
Shit Staled Urn
Shit Desalt Run
Shit Desalt Urn
Shit Delta Urns
Shit Delta Runs
Shit Dealt Urns
Shit Dealt Runs
Shit Anted Slur
Shit Lad Tuners
Shit Lad Unrest
Shit Land Trues
Shit Lands True
Shit Lard Tunes
Shit Lards Tune
Shit Lads Tuner
Shit Lauds Tern
Shit Lauds Rent
Shit Laud Terns
Shit Laud Rents
Shit Laud Stern
Shit Dual Terns
Shit Dual Rents
Shit Dual Stern
Shit And Rustle
Shit And Sutler
Shit And Ulster
Shit And Result
Shit And Lustre
Shit And Luster
Shit Rand Lutes
Shit Darn Lutes
Shit Darns Lute
Shit Stand Rule
Shit Stand Lure
Shit Ads Runlet
Shit Sad Runlet
Shit Lane Durst
Shit Lane Turds
Shit Elan Durst
Shit Elan Turds
Shit Lean Durst
Shit Lean Turds
Shit Learn Dust
Shit Learn Stud
Shit Renal Dust
Shit Renal Stud
Shit Leans Turd
Shit Lanes Turd
Shit Elans Turd
Shit Salter Dun
Shit Staler Dun
Shit Alerts Dun
Shit Alters Dun
Shit Alter Duns
Shit Later Duns
Shit Alert Duns
Shit Snarl Duet
Shit Slant Rued
Shit Slant Rude
Shit Sultan Red
Shit Ulna Drest
Shit Ultras Den
Shit Ultras End
Shit Ultra Dens
Shit Ultra Send
Shit Ultra Ends
Shit Las Turned
Shit Last Under
Shit Last Nuder
Shit Slat Under
Shit Slat Nuder
Shit Salt Under
Shit Salt Nuder
Shit Talus Rend
Shit Talus Nerd
Shit An Rustled
Shit An Strudel
Shit Ran Lusted
Shit Rants Duel
Shit Tarns Duel
Shit Rant Duels
Shit Rant Slued
Shit Tarn Duels
Shit Tarn Slued
Shit Tans Ruled
Shit Tans Lured
Shit Ants Ruled
Shit Ants Lured
Shit As Trundle
Shit A Led Turns
Shit A Led Runts
Shit A Lend Ruts
Shit A Lend Rust
Shit A Lends Rut
Shit A Sled Runt
Shit A Sled Turn
Shit A Rend Lust
Shit A Rend Slut
Shit A Nerd Lust
Shit A Nerd Slut
Shit A Tend Slur
Shit A Dent Slur
Shit A Turd Lens
Shit Ad Lens Rut
Shit Ad Lets Run
Shit Ad Lets Urn
Shit Ad Lest Run
Shit Ad Lest Urn
Shit Ad Let Urns
Shit Ad Let Runs
Shit Ad Ten Slur
Shit Ad Net Slur
Shit Lad En Ruts
Shit Lad En Rust
Shit Lad Tern Us
Shit Lad Rent Us
Shit Lad Ens Rut
Shit Lad Re Nuts
Shit Lad Re Tuns
Shit Lad Re Stun
Shit Lad Res Tun
Shit Lad Res Nut
Shit Lad Rest Nu
Shit Lad Erst Nu
Shit Lad Set Run
Shit Lad Set Urn
Shit Lard Ten Us
Shit Lard Net Us
Shit Lard Set Nu
Shit Lads En Rut
Shit Lads Re Tun
Shit Lads Re Nut
Shit And Re Lust
Shit And Re Slut
Shit Rand Let Us
Shit Darn Let Us
Shit Rad Lent Us
Shit Rad Lets Nu
Shit Rad Lest Nu
Shit Rad Let Nus
Shit Rad Let Sun
Shit Rad En Lust
Shit Rad En Slut
Shit Rads Let Nu
Shit Ads Let Run
Shit Ads Let Urn
Shit Sad Let Run
Shit Sad Let Urn
Shit Tad En Slur
Shit La Ed Turns
Shit La Ed Runts
Shit La Den Ruts
Shit La Den Rust
Shit La End Ruts
Shit La End Rust
Shit La Trend Us
Shit La Dens Rut
Shit La Send Rut
Shit La Ends Rut
Shit La Red Nuts
Shit La Red Tuns
Shit La Red Stun
Shit La Reds Tun
Shit La Reds Nut
Shit La Drest Nu
Shit La Eds Runt
Shit La Eds Turn
Shit La Dun Rest
Shit La Dun Erst
Shit La Durst En
Shit La Turds En
Shit La Turd Ens
Shit Las Ed Runt
Shit Las Ed Turn
Shit Las Den Rut
Shit Las End Rut
Shit Las Red Tun
Shit Las Red Nut
Shit Las Turd En
Shit Last Ed Run
Shit Last Ed Urn
Shit Last Red Nu
Shit Last Dun Re
Shit Slat Ed Run
Shit Slat Ed Urn
Shit Slat Red Nu
Shit Slat Dun Re
Shit Salt Ed Run
Shit Salt Ed Urn
Shit Salt Red Nu
Shit Salt Dun Re
Shit An Led Ruts
Shit An Led Rust
Shit An Sled Rut
Shit An Red Lust
Shit An Red Slut
Shit Ran Ed Lust
Shit Ran Ed Slut
Shit Rant Led Us
Shit Tarn Led Us
Shit Ant Ed Slur
Shit Tan Ed Slur
Shit Star Led Nu
Shit Rats Led Nu
Shit Tars Led Nu
Shit Arts Led Nu
Shit Tsar Led Nu
Shit Art Led Nus
Shit Art Led Sun
Shit Art Lend Us
Shit Art Sled Nu
Shit Rat Led Nus
Shit Rat Led Sun
Shit Rat Lend Us
Shit Rat Sled Nu
Shit Tar Led Nus
Shit Tar Led Sun
Shit Tar Lend Us
Shit Tar Sled Nu
Shit As Led Runt
Shit As Led Turn
Shit As Lend Rut
Shit Sat Led Run
Shit Sat Led Urn
Shit At Led Urns
Shit At Led Runs
Shit At Sled Run
Shit At Sled Urn
Shit At Den Slur
Shit At End Slur
19 thoughts on “Shutter Island”
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Shit Succors Seeks
Shit Rescues Socks
Shit Secures Socks
Shit Suckers Coses
Shit Crocks Sees Us
Shit Cocks Seers Us
Shit Cocks Res Sues
Shit Cocks Res Uses
Shit Creek Cuss Sos
Shit Creeks Cuss So
Shit Scree Socks Us
Shit Scree Sucks So
Shit Scree Suck Sos
Shit Screes Sock Us
Shit Screes Suck So
Shit Recess Sock Us
Shit Recess Suck So
Shit Cokes Cress Us
Shit Cokes Cuss Res
Shit Suckers Sec So
Shit Sucker Sec Sos
Shit Sucker Secs So
Shit Coses Sec Rusk
Shit Coses Sucks Re
Shit Coses Suck Res
Shit Rec Socks Sues
Shit Rec Socks Uses
Shit Recs Sock Sues
Shit Recs Sock Uses
Shit Recs Socks Use
Shit Recs Socks Sue
Shit Cress Sock Use
Shit Cress Sock Sue
Scorsese Hit Sucks
Shit Sec Rocks Sues
Shit Sec Rocks Uses
Shit Sec Corks Sues
Shit Sec Corks Uses
Shit Sec Sock Users
Shit Sec Sock Ruses
Shit Sec Socks User
Shit Sec Socks Rues
Shit Sec Socks Ruse
Shit Sec Socks Sure
Shit Sec Sucks Sore
Shit Sec Sucks Ores
Shit Sec Sucks Rose
Shit Sec Sucks Roes
Shit Sec Suck Sores
Shit Sec Suck Roses
Shit Secs Rock Sues
Shit Secs Rock Uses
Shit Secs Cork Sues
Shit Secs Cork Uses
Shit Secs Rocks Use
Shit Secs Rocks Sue
Shit Secs Corks Use
Shit Secs Corks Sue
Shit Secs Sock User
Shit Secs Sock Rues
Shit Secs Sock Ruse
Shit Secs Sock Sure
Shit Secs Socks Rue
Shit Secs Sucks Roe
Shit Secs Sucks Ore
Shit Secs Suck Sore
Shit Secs Suck Ores
Shit Secs Suck Rose
Shit Secs Suck Roes
Shit Cusses Sock Re
Shit Cues Socks Res
Shit Rock Cuss Sees
Shit Cork Cuss Sees
Shit Rocks Cuss See
Shit Corks Cuss See
Shit Sock Curs Sees
Shit Sock Cuss Sere
Shit Sock Cuss Seer
Shit Socks Curs See
Shit Socks Cur Sees
Shit Socks Cuss Ere
Shit Sucks Cos Sere
Shit Sucks Cos Seer
Shit Suck Cross See
Shit Suck Cos Seers
Shit Cross Cuss Eek
Shit Cross Cuss Eke
Shit Cos Curs Seeks
Shit Cos Cuss Reeks
Shit Sec Sock Res Us
Shit Sec Socks Re Us
Shit Sec Sucks Re So
Shit Sec Suck Re Sos
Shit Sec Suck Res So
Shit Secs Sock Re Us
Shit Secs Suck Re So
so, you both recommend?
Definitely. It’s crazy in the coconut.
Although the gangs fear the mean king in a cape whose driver, with no direction home, departed the island after hours, they shine a light on Bertha’s temptation to shutter the last, raging boxcar that can waltz Alice through the streets of New York. Kundun can’t bring out the dead goodfellas, who shave in the casino, to see the big, aviator bull because he doesn’t live here in New York, New York anymore. So who’s that knocking at my taxi door? “It’s not just you,” replies Murray, who claims innocence. Christ! These life lessons age like a bad comedy.
all three of you (mike, jeff, john): you are magic.
gio, why do you hate creative football?
are you kidding me? i love it. just look at the italian team! god, i can’t wait for it to win again. and again. and again. forza azzurri!
er….huh? I watched this last night and I’m still exhausted. (SPOILER) unfortunately, any half-aware horror/asylum genre reader will have seen the “twist” coming by the first 20 minutes here and the rest of the 6 hrs duration must be spent seeing how it unravels. certainly, good acting, Scorsese’s dynamic touch and superb editing make it watchable enough, but a bit enervating. I am suprised to see Max Von Sydow again—the guy has looked the same for about 30 years now (at least since Strange Brew and still makes an impression. Ted Levine’s bit on violence was my favorite part. Go ahead, try to bite my eyeball!
Ted Levine was a glimmer of what the film might have been–batshit crazy, and way (way, way, way) more fun. I was startled by how goddamned boring the whole thing was.
By the by, I kept waiting for Von Sydow’s patients to suit up in white and black for hockey to the death.
this was a little better when they remade it as inception.
For some reason, this film reminded me of Hitchcock’s Marnie. I like this film a lot less, though. I wonder if this would be a better film without the twist, if the film made it known (rather than failed to hide) that Teddy is the missing patient. The suspense of the film, then, would be in watching and waiting for the moment Teddy discovers this.
It’s a crappy thing to do to your audience, to make it fear Ben Kinglsey’s character for 5 1/2 hours then sympathize with him for the last ten minutes.
Why in the movies is the act of killing your child/children always so goddamned poetic?
Probably because many of the people who make movies actually have children?
it’s fairly crappy in the book too, john.
(i’m still mind-boggled that mike and jeff took the time to type those long-ass lists).
It was pure cut and paste. For example, Giovanna Pompele:
A Lampooning Veep
A Lampoon Peeving
Appealing Move No
Appealing Move On
Appealing Oven Om
Lagniappe Move No
Lagniappe Move On
Lagniappe Oven Om
Vaginae Lemon Pop
Vaginae Melon Pop
Appeal Given Mono
Appeal Given Moon
Appeal Gnome Vino
Magnolia Oven Pep
Vaginal Peep Mono
Vaginal Peep Moon
Vaginal Omen Pope
Vaginal Mope Open
Vaginal Poem Nope
Vaginal Poem Open
Again Envelop Mop
Vagina Eel Pompon
Papal Evening Moo
Papal Genome Vino
Papal Even Mooing
Papal Eve Mooning
Lava Genie Pompon
Lava Peeping Mono
Lava Peeping Moon
Lava Peep Mooning
Enema Laving Poop
Enema Paving Loop
Enema Paving Pool
Enema Paving Polo
Enema Ova Lopping
Enigma Navel Poop
Enigma Venal Poop
Enigma Novae Plop
Vegan Ilea Pompon
Vegan Menial Poop
Vegan Eolian Pomp
Vegan Lampoon Pie
A Gamine Novel Pop
And that’s just a taste of what your name can do! I think my favorite is Enema Paving Loop or maybe Vegan Menial Poop!
Vaginal Omen Pope
Ream Ark Um
By the way, response #4 was no cut and paste job. Just sheer brilliance.
thanks, john, for keeping the dream alive. (what is ream ark um?)