It is I, John Adams, harrumph harrumph.

Pity the poor screenwriter, saddled with the necessary nonsense of extensive historical “situating.” Lines like “We have just had 400 pounds of tea dumped in Boston Harbor, by vandals dressed as Indians!” The sort of stuff which would be a drag on even the sleekest, most energetic of historical dramas.

And John Adams moves more like a dirigible. Often pretty, but ponderous, gassy, its movements slow and wholly predictable. I keep hoping it’ll bust into flames, and go down in a blaze of destructive insanity. Maybe Paul Giamatti will go a little Harvey Pekar or (even better) Pig Vomit, kick the hammy Danny Huston (Sam Adams! That crazy!) in the codpiece. But I fear it will not come to pass.

This miniseries is lavishly produced, and shot quite beautifully by Tak Fujimoto. And I’m only one episode (of six total) in, so this isn’t fair, but…. Harrumph harrumph.