Fuck you, Gravy Robbers!

Adult Swim keeps upping the absurdist ante.

Walt Whitman’s review:
Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job! is often aggravating,
but it’s never boring,
is never complacent,
and I sing of
its cascade of chubby men in thongs,
its fluids dribbling or spewing or squirting from mouths (and elsewhere),
its unibrowed whore-milk-drinking baby Chippy,
its frenetic love of (don’t we all) synthesizer dancing,
and its video tomfoolery circa 1982,
oh Zach Galifiniakis
Kiss Zach,
drinking your gravy caught in your thick thick burly beard,
I-I-I-I-I watch in slackjawed wonder.

12 thoughts on “Fuck you, Gravy Robbers!”

  1. Wow, this is the only place on the internet where the above phrase can be found. That’s surprising, because I really do love whore babies.

    I really do.

    Season 2 is as above. Funny, fluidy, really irritating. Zach Galifiniakis plays “The Snuggler”–now my favorite superhero of all time.

  2. not only is this the only place where the phrase “mike reynolds loves whore babies” can be found, but we also show up on only the second page of google results for just “whore babies”. we’ve finally made it!

  3. I just saw the show for the first time last night. It has an interesting early SCTV vibe (though crasser and with an even lower budget, though that’s hard to believe). I particularly enjoyed the kid singing “Do you really have to pee in a girl’s mouth/To make babies” and the Charlie-Rose type interview concerning burping.

  4. Whore babies!* We’re dropping in the ranks.

    *Try it out as a new catchphrase, an all-purpose exclamation for surprise. Whore babies!

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