Tomorrow I have to go into New York for two days; it will be my mission there to go see this Sarah Silverman concert film. partly for an ulterior motive–I am a sucker for sexy semites with a slight overbite. but also because of all the raves I’ve heard from all of you concerning her part in The Aristocrats, and because I just heard a good interview with her on NPR. of course I will also feel like a fool paying $10.50 for a 75 minutes film of a stage show. but the chances of ever having an opportunity to see it here in the lehigh valley are about as good as pennsylvanians giving up scrapple and deep fried pork bits. i’m not saying pennsylvanians are fat….but when they sit around the movie house…
by the way, i believe john and mike might have been in the car with me and Pete (in Pete’s old volvo), on our way to the “good luck” bar, when a woman who I believe was Sarah Silverman pulled up beside us to tell us that she too was from Nashua NH (she saw it on the license plate)…even though I recognized her, I stared blankly and missed my opportunity to invite her along, knowing that probably in her secret heart she wished to spend the night with a bunch of English graduate students from USC. instead, i believe the evening ended with the “little New Yorker” at Cantor’s , served by a matronly Helga in white shoes, and then a morning of nightmare-ravaged sleep. ah, the days when we towered over the LA entertainment scene and made or broke careers with a mere glance….or at least the days when we had a regular table at Musso and Frank’s and every agent in town solicited our opinions…or at least when we dominated the Taco Bell on Figueroa and the homeless begged us for nickels and dimes….or maybe it was Norm’s and just that one guy who smelled….