
I really thought someone had posted here about Downfall, but I can’t find the post. We saw this a couple of weeks ago. Riveting. Great performance by Bruno Ganz. There’s a lot of ways to look at this film: History is written by the winners, Hitler was a human being, blind devotion to power is scary, and – perhaps the most interesting – how innocent can an individual be of a government’s crime? I have a feeling we may be asking ourselves that a few times over the next few decades.

I don’t really want to go into it a whole lot, but it’s a fine movie. On another note, I had a dream last night I was in school, and had to do well in two classes, but they both had horrible teachers. One of the teacher’s was Hitler, and he was depressed, and wouldn’t teach us anything, and the class was held in the bunker. Man, Professor Hitler sucks.